Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has brought a revolution in the world of mobile gaming as it gives the best battle royale experience with fast-paced actions and smooth graphics. As this game is becoming popular, it has become essential for players to improve their skills, game sense, and strategies.
While playing BGMI, every player’s skill is reflected by his kill ratio, which is essential because it shows how you perform in every match.
So, what is the K/D Ratio? It is the average of kills and deaths in all your played matches. A high kill ratio reflects your combat skills and helps impress your fellow players and push more ranks with them.
In this guide, we will give you some essential tips and strategies that will help you increase your kill ratio in 2025. Whether you’re a newcomer or a pro player, these strategies will help you to get out of difficult situations, and you will be able to take your gameplay to the next level.
Game Settings and Sensitivity
To improve your kill ratio, first of all, you have to optimize your game’s settings and sensitivity because these settings directly affect your game performance, so it is very important to optimize them accordingly.
Optimizing Game Settings
Graphics Settings
Graphics Quality: If you have a good high-end device, then select HDR or Ultra HD settings for better visuals. If you are using a mid-range device, then select smooth or balanced settings; this will improve your game a lot.
Frame Rate: This depends on your phone. Whether your phone has 60 fps or 90 fps, you always have to select the highest option because it directly impacts the speed of your gameplay.
Style: If you want good visibility of enemies, choose a colorful or soft style.
Shadow: Shadows help you to spot enemies but if the performance of your device is low then always keep it off.
Other Settings
Auto-Adjust Graphics: Always keep it disabled because it prevents the graphics from changing abruptly in the middle of the game.
Brightness: Set the brightness to a level you like so that you can easily spot enemies hiding in dark areas.
Customizing Sensitivity Settings

Your sensitivity settings should be according to your playing style. This is a basic guide that will help you improve your game.
Camera Sensitivity (Free Look): Recommended value: 100-150% for fast environmental review.
Camera Sensitivity
- TPP No Scope: 90-120%
- FPP No Scope: 80-100%
Scope Sensitivity
- Red Dot, Holographic: 50-70%
- 2x Scope: 40-60%
- 3x Scope: 30-50%
- 4x Scope: 20-40%
- 6x Scope: 10-30%
- 8x Scope: 5-20%
ADS (Aim Down Sight) Sensitivity:
- Red Dot, Holographic: 50-60%
- 2x Scope: 40-50%
- 3x Scope: 25-40%
- 4x Scope: 20-30%
- 6x Scope: 10-25%
- 8x Scope: 5-15%
Gyroscope Sensitivity:
- For aggressive players: High Sensitivity should be (200-300%).
- stable control, you can keep it between (100 and 150%).
These sensitivity settings will help you improve your aim accuracy and response time, and you will be able to increase your kill ratio.
Understanding Maps and Locations
You can improve your survival time and kill ratio by understanding maps and some critical locations.
Popular Maps

- Erangel: This map is balanced for all types of players.
- Miramar: This map is a good choice for those who like sniping and long-range combats.
- Sanhok: This map is ideal for those who like to play fast-paced actions and want to improve their close combat fights.
- Livik: This map is ideal for quick-match battle royale that can only house upto 52 players or 13 teams in a single lobby.
Knowing the correct map lets you stay ahead of your opponents and win the game easily.
Important Landing Spots
You can get better loots by landing in high-loot zones like Pochinki or Georgopol (Erangel), but the competition is a little more intense here.
By landing in moderate combat areas, you can get enough loot, and the competition is also less there, which gives you more time to develop your strategy.
Mastering Weapons and Attachments
BGMI has all types of weapons, but each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. You can choose weapons and combat as per your preference.
Top Weapons

- Assault Rifles (ARs): M416, AKM, Beryl M762
- Sniper Rifles: AWM, Kar98k, M24
- SMGs: UMP45, Uzi
- Use compensators and extended mags for arsenal guns as this reduces recoil.
- Use cheek pads and suppressors in sniper rifles.
Improving Combat Skills

There are all types of players in BGMI, some players like to play aggressively while some like to play defensively. But all players need to improve their combat skills.
Aim Practice
- Practice training mode for some time daily.
- Use different drills for all types of fights.
- Learn to balance recoil control and spray pattern.
Always keep your aim on the headshot because if you can connect with a headshot, you can cause more damage to the enemy, which will help you win close-range fights.
Peeking Techniques
Use right-peek so that you can shoot while staying in cover and do not get shot.
Strategic Gameplay
No matter how good a game you play, winning can be difficult without proper strategy. Always stay with your team and keep communicating. These are some of the important tips that you’ll need to improve your gameplay strategy.
Use good decision-making skills during firefights, keep in mind when to push, when to fallback or flank and keep guiding your teammates.
Use grenades, smokes, and Molotovs because you can easily win even the most challenging fight by using them.
Using Vehicles Wisely

Many players do not know where to stop the vehicle, and they stop the vehicle between enemies or in the open, so your team gets eliminated. So always keep this in mind and always park the vehicle in cover.
Use Vehicles for Different purposes
- Choose different vehicles for different situations.
- Vehicles are not only used for rotation but also to create cover in a place where there is no cover.
Analyzing Gameplay
Analyze your gameplay, see where you made mistakes, and try to correct them so your gameplay improves daily.
Game Analysis tips
- Use third-party tools to analyze your games.
- Always stay updated with patch notes and game updates.
Staying Updated
Watching the gameplay of top BGMI streamers and pro players helps you learn new tips and strategies, so watch videos of your favorite streamers to learn how they play in these situations.
Participating in community discussions and forums helps you learn new ideas and strategies, so join in these events as they help you improve your gameplay.
By following the steps and key points in this guide you can improve your kill ratio, keep these things in mind whenever you play the game. With practice, patience, and consistency, you can become a pro player.